Saturday, 7 December 2013


hi guys !! this is last entry.. this blog will be submit to my lecturer before this midnight..ahaaaa...
now i feel like to cry...because i can't write again...( feel bad ;( ) ahaaa..but i still have another blog.. so join me... :)

in this last post.. i will sharing what i have done in that week..

we're doing MBTI Personality test..this test are focus on the job scope that suitable to us.. this test need us to tell truth for help us in find our job scope after done our degree...if you lie, then you don't know what is your capabilities..

here the question :

after you have done can recognize which of job scope you are suitable..maybe...

I ? only me keep it..hahahahhahahhahhahha..

for the last word from me..
thanks to Miss Ummi who is energized lecturer with cordless mike ( i don't know how to spell it.....ahahhahhaha) for giving knowledge and give to us chance in every task we do..
for Mdm Huda thanks for being my super duper sporting tutor.... sharing your experience & knowledge.. persevere with the noisy and the student who always talking nonsense.. AHAHHAHAHHAHA :)


wish for my friends : with exam is just around the corner...tadaaaa...ready for it..fighting !!!!

InsyaAllah I'll see you again

thanks a lot :)
cik yana boimen


Chapter 8: Corporate Strategy

Salam you guys.. :)
you know what? i have missed a's about corporate strategy..ehehhehehehhhe.. sorry for the mistake ;)
i'll tell you a little about this chapter..about diversify,

A company is diversified when it is in two or more lines of business
Strategy-making in a diversified company is a bigger picture exercise than crafting a strategy for a single line-of-business
A diversified company needs a multi-industry, multi-business strategy

A strategic action plan must be developed for several different businesses competing in diverse industry environments..

there are 5 components of corporate strategy, which is :
- vision
-goals and objectives
-structure, systems and procedure
-make the corporation unique than other companies
-resources, effectively used and create value.

that's a little about it which i can understand..i need to study a lot to make me a better understanding

 thanks for reading
cik yana boimen

Friday, 6 December 2013

what i learned? (cover chap 10 & 11)

ehhehhehhe...the topic is about strategic execution and managing internal operational

what interests me with this topic are about the point of reward and motivation..


 is basis and a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviours. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation is the purpose or psychological cause of an action

the word reward is a thing that given recognition of services, effort or achievement
as example : 
give reward to the employee who has give the best effort on doing his/her job.

on giving reward, it's related to motivate the employee in doing their task.

Motivation is a behaviour that you can influence but not create. Even highly motivated individuals can get frustrated, discouraged, or tired on a project. Team members need to know they are valued, their efforts are noticed, and their good work is appreciated. Remember that each employee is different and motivated or rewarded by different things.

The key is to be timely, creative, and authentic and that the motivation or reward matches the interests and goals of the employee, whenever possible.

this week we don't have tutorial class..but the class replaced with forum on line in GOALS..

 thanks for reading 
cik yana boimen

warning! please take note

hi dearest..ahhaaa...hectic zone !! we've been warned..prepare your slide and speech..ehehhehehhe.. :)

no lecture

uhukkk uhukk..tadaa...I know everyone exited but please keep calm..kahkahkahkah.. this kind of feeling has been around since our primary school..atmosphere in the class change need to spoken..outburst of noise..kahkahkahkahk you can imagine that..!

so, I'll just sharing about tutorial class situation...

I've never been yet stories about one of my lecture...we just call her mdm huda... she treat us like we are as her friend or maybe like siblings. we're happy with her..but sometimes when her angry come out!! everyone feel recoils..ahahahahha..beware of it!! don't make she study your case study or done your work that she gave you before you enter to her class..

this week we have done 2nd case study about piping hot-dog :

about this company :)

we taught how to used SWOT and TOWS strategy and a number of another strategy like porter 5 forces and etc.
we are also taught about how we can manage to come out the point from the case study.
we're using colourful sticky note :

and your book will become like this..ahahhahahahhha

even more maybe.. :) try to do this things..

this was last 4 weeks before we end the last tutorial..everyone are in the hectic weeks..
presentation week, submit assignment and another assessment which not done yet.. uwaaaaa....
in the early semester..supposedly every task we get..need to completed immediately..but..

thinking about it !! ahaaa... :)

thanks for reading...
cik yana boimen

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Oshima Sharing Session

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Something new?ahaaaa... you see the name? Oshima... Actually it is a name of a restaurant who the owner is Pn. Asnidar Hanim Yusof with her husband. Owh, before that, the restaurant was at Shah Alam walk near to the Plaza Alam Sentral. This restaurant which provide Japanese food which the halal is surely guaranteed by JAKIM.

In this sharing session, Miss Ummi has bring the owner Pn. Asnidar who will shared about her and her husband experience in established the restaurant and the process along the growth of the restaurant. I'm impressed with Pn.Asnidar, because she actually is not from business study background but you know? she was study in engineering field. The spirit to jump into food industry is one of the challenging field. Although she need to take the risk of  close one of the branch restaurant, incurred a loss in a big amount of modal, but she take the challenge and now, the restaurant has give her a good returned.

Here is the SWOT of the restaurant. From this SWOT analysis, it figure some of the strength, opportunity that they have to enlarge their restaurant brand, weaknesses and the threat which they have been throughout the establishment of that restaurant.

- Have Halal certificate from JAKIM
- Make home-made ingredient
- Have experience chef in Japanese food

- Lack of studies in business
- Lack of promotion at mass media

- Have demand from the foreigner who stayed in Malaysia
- Have joint venture with the Japanese

- Competitor from other Japanese food restaurant
- The supplier for raw material did not halal certificates because it too difficult

That is some of the SWOT that my friend has found from this Oshima restaurant. do not need to bother how you can fly to Japan to get that japanese food. Oshima restaurant will give you the best food and services that allows you to satisfied.

You are welcome to experience the taste of Japanese food